
Covid for the 2022/2023 Curling Season

The Club will be following all government and Health Department Covid mandates.  Currently we are back to curling as usual using full pre-Covid sweeping and social distancing rules and procedures.  While masks are not mandatory, we do encourage their use in all off-ice areas of the Club.

Previous COVID-19 Protocols
Allenford Curling Club 2021-22 Curling Season

The ACC Board has continued to monitor what government regulations we will have to follow. Our goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible and still make curling seem as normal as possible. We will continue to monitor how things are working with the hope that we can simplify these measures. This is an overview of a larger document, “Allenford Curling Club Return-to- Play 2021-22 Policy” that outlines the COVID-19 protocols in detail, available at the Club.

1. Double vaccinations for COVID-19 (if eligible) are mandatory to enter the building. We will note your vaccination status during registration.

2. Everyone must sign in for contact tracing and confirm their COVID-19 Screening status every time they enter the building.

3. You must wear a mask anywhere in the club, except when sitting in the Upper Lounge or while on the ice. Masks are strongly encouraged while on the ice but not mandatory. Please put on your mask whenever you leave the ice area.

4. We are asking people to maintain 2m/6ft social distancing while curling (please refer to Curl Canada illustrations posted throughout the building). Players to select their stones and no interchanging during the game. Only 1 sweeper per delivered rock. No sweeping behind the T-line.

5. The lockers will not be used but the locker areas will be open. Masks must be worn. We ask that you change at home to be ready to curl. The Lower Lounge and both change rooms may be used to change from outdoor footwear to curling footwear. Please maintain 2m/6ft social distancing while changing footwear.

6. We ask that you do not bring guests or extra spectators to start the season. If the club members do not recognize people watching games they are allowed and expected to ask for proof of vaccination and they can be asked to leave.

7. Club “loaner” curling equipment is to be sanitized before and after use, by the user. We encourage you to bring your own equipment, clearly identified with your name. Sanitizing material will be available for personal use for curling equipment, rocks, etc.

8. The bar WILL be open.

9. If you feel unwell please stay away from the club. Get a spare or play with three people and err on the side of caution. If you are at the club and start to feel unwell we ask that you leave immediately, but please let someone know that you are unwell and are leaving.

We may adjust the COVID-19 protocols throughout the season based on the member’s feedback and the requirements of Public Health and the Provincial/Federal governments.

Please be respectful of the guidelines, be kind and have a safe and fun season!

Allenford Curling Club COVID-19 Self-Screening Questionnaire

1. Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? (Symptoms that are new, worsening, and not related to other known causes/conditions you already have).

  • Fever and/or chills – Temp. of 37.8 degrees C/100 degrees F or higher
  • Cough or barking cough (croup) – Continuous, more than usual, making
    a whistling noise when breathing (not related to asthma, post-infectious
    reactive airways, COPD, or other known causes/conditions you already
  • Shortness of breath – Out of breath, unable to breathe deeply (not related to asthma or other known causes/conditions you already have)
  • Decrease or loss of taste or smell – Not related to seasonal allergies,
    neurological disorders, or other known causes/conditions you already have
  • Muscle aches/joint pain – Unusual, long-lasting (not related to a sudden injury, fibromyalgia, or other known causes or conditions you already have)
  • Extreme tiredness – Unusual, fatigue, lack of energy (not related to depression, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, or other known causes/conditions you already have)

2. In the last 10 days, have you been identified as a “close contact” of someone who currently has COVID-19? (“Close contact” means being less than 2 metres away in the same room/workspace/area, living in the same home or being in the same classroom without appropriate PPE).

3. In the last 10 days, have you received a COVID Alert exposure notification on your cell phone?

4. Have you been in close physical contact with someone who either:

  • is sick with a new cough, fever, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 10 days?
  • returned from outside of Canada in the last 14 days?

If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes”, Self-Screening is FAILED.

Curling Starts November 1st